Welcome and thank you for visiting our Support page
The aim of The Sinfonia Stellaris is to bring professional classical orchestral music to venues throughout the Western Midlands. To do this requires funding (currently approximately £5,500 per concert) and we thank you most sincerely for any support you may be able to give, large or small, regular or one-off. The options below offer a wide variety of ideas and there is something to fit all budgets!

Become an SBS member
The Small Benefactors Scheme always has room for new members – they are, in fact the life blood of this orchestra. By setting up a standing order or direct debit from as little as £5 per month (no upper limit!) you will become the mainstay of the Orchestra’s finances and help to cover the huge running costs of maintaining a professional orchestra in your area.
As an SBS Member you will receive regular updates of what is happening in the Orchestra and have the opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions of your own. There will also be special offers on ticket prices and advanced notification of forthcoming events.
If you are happy to sign up for this, please click here Donate
However, if you would like to speak to someone before committing to this, then simply press the Contact Us button below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Without our SBS Members, we simply could not exist, so please join us!
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Ways to Donate
We appreciate that not everyone can, or would want to, become a regular donor but may like to support us on an ad hoc basis.
You can do this by simply clicking the Donate Button below. The options on the Donate Page give an indication of how your donation may be used, but TSS reserve the right to allocate donations as and where necessary. Thank you for any contribution you make, large or small.

Legacy Scheme
Leave a true musical legacy in your Will to The Sinfonia Stellaris, Registered charity 1186938.
This scheme was designed to enable your support to aid our continuous drive to deliver some of the most amazing concerts to our area.
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Seat Partners
Directly support one of our talented musicians, with opportunities to meet and talk with them.
Your name will feature in the programme beside their name.
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Programme Advertisements
Reach a wider market by advertising your business, product or service in our concert programmes, issued free to audience members for maximum publicity.
Recent advertisers include:
- MGF Solicitors
- Powell & Associates, Chartered Certified Accountants
- BBI Independent Financial Advisers
- Kinver Jewelers
- The Swan at Blakedown
- Presto Music
- BWP Advertising
- Shrewsbury School
- The Transport Museum, Wythall
- Adam Carpets Limited
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Purchase Music
Each concert we have to purchase new music to expand our library.
You can choose to purchase music for the Orchestra and your name will then feature alongside the piece whenever we perform it, or you can opt to remain anonymous if preferred.
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Sponsor Our Programmes
We distribute programmes free of charge to audience members to maximise coverage for our sponsors.
To help defray the printing costs, you can choose to contribute towards these costs, or indeed sponsor the entire print run for a particular concert. Your generosity will be acknowledged in the programmes.
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